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Graduation Day Tuesday, June 11, 2018


Junior Marshals: 7:00 a.m.

All staff: 7:00 a.m.

Senior Students: 7:30 a.m.

Doors will open @ 7:00 a.m. to the public



Parking Information:

Normal parking @ Bojangles' handicapped parking area has been extended but please arrive early in this case to also ensure a seat in the handicapped Section 125 of the Coliseum.


It is so very important that you take the time to view all of the information on this website. We have a shared goal with every graduating senior and that is to make this the best and smoothest graduation for you, your friends and family, and the staff and faculty from William A. Hough High School. It is your responsibility to ensure that both you and your family understand the expectations and standards for graduation, just as you must know the rules of the road to drive. Let’s cross the finish line together as a team.

The Graduation Ceremony is one of dignity. The administration and staff want to provide the graduate with a memorable occasion to honor years of academic dedication. We expect the ceremony to be an appropriate ending to the high school years and the beginning of a bright future.

Graduates do not receive tickets for Graduation. You may bring as many family members and friends as you wish since the arena will accommodate everyone.

Great care is being taken to insure that our seniors are models of good behavior. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Any student who seeks to spoil this day for others will be promptly removed from Bojangles' Coliseum by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police. The diploma for that senior will be held until appropriate consequences are fulfilled as determined by Dr. Rosenbach.





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